
2024年10月28日 星期一

【vMaker Edge AI專欄 #22】使用Intel OpenVINO搭配YOLOv11輕鬆駕馭姿態偵測

 作者:Jack OmniXRI, 2024/10/15



相信有在玩AI影像「物件偵測」的朋友對於YOLO(Yolo Only Look Once)一定不會陌生。從2015年第一版(v1)問世至今,在各路大神的努力之下,現在已發展到第十一版(v11),而其中 v4, v7, v9 正是中研院資訊所廖弘源所長及高徒王建堯博士所貢獻的。

目前最新的 YOLOv11 [1] [2] 就是由 Ultralytic 這家公司所提出的,它是基於該公司先前提出的 v8 版本進行改良而得的,並發表於今(2024)年9月底 YOLO Vision 2024 [3] 活動中。此次這個版本延續之前 v8 版本,一樣提供了「影像分類」、「物件偵測」(含正矩形和斜矩形外框)、影像分割、物件追蹤及姿態估測(人體骨架偵測)等模型,並支援多種推論框架,包括 Google TensorFlow, PyTorch, ONNX, Apple CoreML 及 Intel OpenVINO。

Intel OpenVINO 為了讓大家更快上手,馬上就在開源範例庫 Notebooks [4] 上給出 YOLOv11 物件偵測、姿態估測及影像分割等三個案例,還可支援 Google Colab ,讓大家不用在桌機、筆電上安裝 OpenVINO 也可體驗一把。

接下來我們就跟著源碼說明[5]來了解一下如何運行 【姿態估測】 範例「Convert and Optimize YOLOv11 keypoint detection model with OpenVINO™」及動作原理。完整源碼請參考[6],點擊連結即可進到 Google Colab 環境執行。



  1. 原始 YOLOv11 推論結果
  2. 轉換到 OpenVINO IR推論結果
  3. 經過 NNCF 壓縮優化推論結果
  4. 使用基準測試工具進行比較
  5. 連續影片推論展示



1. 原始 YOLOv11 推論結果

1.1 安裝 Intel OpenVINO 、 Ultralytics(YOLOv11) 及必要套件包

下載及安裝 OpenVINO, NNCF, PyTorch, Ultralytic(YOLOv11), OpenCV 等相關套件包。但由於 OpenVINO 在 Colab 環境下只能在 Intel Xeon CPU 下運行,所以這裡安裝的 PyTorch 是 CPU 版本。

%pip install -q "openvino>=2024.0.0" "nncf>=2.9.0" %pip install -q "protobuf==3.20.*" "torch>=2.1" "torchvision>=0.16" "ultralytics==8.3.0" tqdm opencv-python --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu

1.2 下載必要函式庫並引入

下載 notebook_utils.py 到暫存區,並引入 download_file, VideoPlayer, device_widge 函式庫。

from pathlib import Path # Fetch `notebook_utils` module import requests r = requests.get( url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openvinotoolkit/openvino_notebooks/latest/utils/notebook_utils.py", ) open("notebook_utils.py", "w").write(r.text) from notebook_utils import download_file, VideoPlayer, device_widget

1.3 下載測試用影像

下載網路上影像檔 intel_rnb.jpg,可自行替換 url 後影像來源路徑。

# Download a test sample IMAGE_PATH = Path("./data/intel_rnb.jpg") download_file( url="https://storage.openvinotoolkit.org/repositories/openvino_notebooks/data/data/image/intel_rnb.jpg", filename=IMAGE_PATH.name, directory=IMAGE_PATH.parent, )

1.4 指定推論用模型名稱並下載

這裡可支援 yolov8 及 yolov11 模型名稱,n, s, m, l, x 分別代表模型的大小,從最小到最大,越小推論速度越快但精度略差,反之越大則越慢但精度會提高一些,可依實際需求調整。

import ipywidgets as widgets model_id = [ "yolo11n-pose", "yolo11s-pose", "yolo11m-pose", "yolo11l-pose", "yolo11x-pose", "yolov8n-pose", "yolov8s-pose", "yolov8m-pose", "yolov8l-pose", "yolov8x-pose", ] model_name = widgets.Dropdown(options=model_id, value=model_id[0], description="Model") model_name

1.5 實例化 YOLO 並測試推論

依上一步驟取得之模型名稱下載模型並實例化成 pose_model
接著直接使用該模型對先前指定好的影像進行推論,並取得姿態(關節點)結果 res (包含物件外框、類別及置信度)繪製在影像上。

註:理論上如果只是想取得姿態估測結果,到這一步就可結束了。但這裡可先記下工作耗時及置信度,方便後面和經過 OpenVINO 處理過的內容作比較。

from PIL import Image from ultralytics import YOLO POSE_MODEL_NAME = model_name.value pose_model = YOLO(f"{POSE_MODEL_NAME}.pt") label_map = pose_model.model.names res = pose_model(IMAGE_PATH) Image.fromarray(res[0].plot()[:, :, ::-1])

image 1/1 /content/data/intel_rnb.jpg: 480x640 1 person, 529.1ms
Speed: 23.2ms preprocess, 529.1ms inference, 33.4ms postprocess per image at shape (1, 3, 480, 640)

2. 轉換到 OpenVINO IR推論結果

2.1 將模型轉換成 OpenVINO IR 格式

Ultralytics 本來就有支援將模型輸出成 Intel OpenVINO IR(xml + bin) 格式,只要執行下列程式即可。
轉換好的模型會存放在 /yolo11n-pose_openvino_model/ 路徑下。這裡仍保持原有 FP32 資料格式。

註:這裡要保留動態形狀(Dynamic Shape)設定為 True,方便後續工作。

# object detection model pose_model_path = Path(f"{POSE_MODEL_NAME}_openvino_model/{POSE_MODEL_NAME}.xml") if not pose_model_path.exists(): pose_model.export(format="openvino", dynamic=True, half=True)

2.2 選擇推論裝置

在 Google Colab 上只能選 CPU ,在本機端則還可選用Intel GPU(內顯)來提升推論速度。 不過一般為了方便,可直接設為 AUTO 讓系統自行選用即可。

device = device_widget() device

2.3 測試單張影像

這裡的測試影像沿用步驟1.3,接著測試轉成 Intel OpenVINO IR 格式的模型是否能正確推論。

import openvino as ov # 引入 OpenVINO 函式庫 core = ov.Core() # 配置 OpenVINO 核心 pose_ov_model = core.read_model(pose_model_path) # 讀取推論用模型 ov_config = {} if device.value != "CPU": pose_ov_model.reshape({0: [1, 3, 640, 640]}) if "GPU" in device.value or ("AUTO" in device.value and "GPU" in core.available_devices): ov_config = {"GPU_DISABLE_WINOGRAD_CONVOLUTION": "YES"} pose_compiled_model = core.compile_model(pose_ov_model, device.value, ov_config) # 進行模型編譯 pose_model = YOLO(pose_model_path.parent, task="pose") if pose_model.predictor is None: custom = {"conf": 0.25, "batch": 1, "save": False, "mode": "predict"} # method defaults args = {**pose_model.overrides, **custom} pose_model.predictor = pose_model._smart_load("predictor")(overrides=args, _callbacks=pose_model.callbacks) pose_model.predictor.setup_model(model=pose_model.model) pose_model.predictor.model.ov_compiled_model = pose_compiled_model # 指定 OpenVINO 編譯好的模型 res = pose_model(IMAGE_PATH) # 進行推論取得結果 Image.fromarray(res[0].plot()[:, :, ::-1]) # 繪製結果

image 1/1 /content/data/intel_rnb.jpg: 640x640 1 person, 187.4ms
Speed: 3.4ms preprocess, 187.4ms inference, 1.4ms postprocess per image at shape (1, 3, 640, 640)

3. 經過 NNCF 壓縮優化推論結果

NNCF 是 OpenVINO 作為模型優化的重要工具, 它提供了多種模型壓縮及優化方式,這裡僅使用到參數量化(Quantization),即將 FP32 轉換到 INT8。

3.1 指定是否量化

預設 to_quantize value 為 True,即要啟用量化。

import ipywidgets as widgets int8_model_pose_path = Path(f"{POSE_MODEL_NAME}_openvino_int8_model/{POSE_MODEL_NAME}.xml") quantized_pose_model = None to_quantize = widgets.Checkbox( value=True, description="Quantization", disabled=False, ) to_quantize

3.2 不啟用量化處理方式

若不啟用量化則需使用 skip_kernel_extension 模組來協助略過部份工作。

# Fetch skip_kernel_extension module r = requests.get( url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openvinotoolkit/openvino_notebooks/latest/utils/skip_kernel_extension.py", ) open("skip_kernel_extension.py", "w").write(r.text) %load_ext skip_kernel_extension

3.3 產生 NNCF 所需資料集

下載校正用資料,並設定轉換函式,產生 NNCF 所需資料集。

%%skip not $to_quantize.value import nncf from typing import Dict from zipfile import ZipFile from ultralytics.data.utils import DATASETS_DIR from ultralytics.utils import DEFAULT_CFG from ultralytics.cfg import get_cfg from ultralytics.data.utils import check_det_dataset from ultralytics.models.yolo.pose import PoseValidator from ultralytics.utils.metrics import OKS_SIGMA if not int8_model_pose_path.exists(): DATA_URL = "https://ultralytics.com/assets/coco8-pose.zip" CFG_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/v8.1.0/ultralytics/cfg/datasets/coco8-pose.yaml" OUT_DIR = DATASETS_DIR DATA_PATH = OUT_DIR / "val2017.zip" CFG_PATH = OUT_DIR / "coco8-pose.yaml" download_file(DATA_URL, DATA_PATH.name, DATA_PATH.parent) download_file(CFG_URL, CFG_PATH.name, CFG_PATH.parent) if not (OUT_DIR / "coco8-pose/labels").exists(): with ZipFile(DATA_PATH, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(OUT_DIR) args = get_cfg(cfg=DEFAULT_CFG) args.data = "coco8-pose.yaml" pose_validator = PoseValidator(args=args) pose_validator.data = check_det_dataset(args.data) pose_validator.stride = 32 pose_data_loader = pose_validator.get_dataloader(OUT_DIR / "coco8-pose", 1) pose_validator.is_coco = True pose_validator.names = label_map pose_validator.metrics.names = pose_validator.names pose_validator.nc = 1 pose_validator.sigma = OKS_SIGMA def transform_fn(data_item:Dict): """ Quantization transform function. Extracts and preprocess input data from dataloader item for quantization. Parameters: data_item: Dict with data item produced by DataLoader during iteration Returns: input_tensor: Input data for quantization """ input_tensor = pose_validator.preprocess(data_item)['img'].numpy() return input_tensor quantization_dataset = nncf.Dataset(pose_data_loader, transform_fn)

3.4 使用 NNCF 進行模型量化

開始進行量化,產生新 INT8 模型。

%%skip not $to_quantize.value if not int8_model_pose_path.exists(): ignored_scope = nncf.IgnoredScope( # post-processing subgraphs=[ nncf.Subgraph(inputs=[f"__module.model.{22 if 'v8' in POSE_MODEL_NAME else 23}/aten::cat/Concat", f"__module.model.{22 if 'v8' in POSE_MODEL_NAME else 23}/aten::cat/Concat_1", f"__module.model.{22 if 'v8' in POSE_MODEL_NAME else 23}/aten::cat/Concat_2", f"__module.model.{22 if 'v8' in POSE_MODEL_NAME else 23}/aten::cat/Concat_7"], outputs=[f"__module.model.{22 if 'v8' in POSE_MODEL_NAME else 23}/aten::cat/Concat_9"]) ] ) # Detection model quantized_pose_model = nncf.quantize( pose_ov_model, quantization_dataset, preset=nncf.QuantizationPreset.MIXED, ignored_scope=ignored_scope ) print(f"Quantized keypoint detection model will be saved to {int8_model_pose_path}") ov.save_model(quantized_pose_model, str(int8_model_pose_path))

3.5 測試單張影像

這裡的測試影像沿用步驟1.3,接著測試經 NNCF 量化後的模型是否能正確推論。

%%skip not $to_quantize.value device %%skip not $to_quantize.value if quantized_pose_model is None: quantized_pose_model = core.read_model() ov_config = {} if device.value != "CPU": quantized_pose_model.reshape({0: [1, 3, 640, 640]}) if "GPU" in device.value or ("AUTO" in device.value and "GPU" in core.available_devices): ov_config = {"GPU_DISABLE_WINOGRAD_CONVOLUTION": "YES"} quantized_pose_compiled_model = core.compile_model(quantized_pose_model, device.value, ov_config) pose_model = YOLO(pose_model_path.parent, task="pose") if pose_model.predictor is None: custom = {"conf": 0.25, "batch": 1, "save": False, "mode": "predict"} # method defaults args = {**pose_model.overrides, **custom} pose_model.predictor = pose_model._smart_load("predictor")(overrides=args, _callbacks=pose_model.callbacks) pose_model.predictor.setup_model(model=pose_model.model) pose_model.predictor.model.ov_compiled_model = pose_compiled_model res = pose_model(IMAGE_PATH) display(Image.fromarray(res[0].plot()[:, :, ::-1]))

image 1/1 /content/data/intel_rnb.jpg: 640x640 1 person, 285.1ms
Speed: 4.3ms preprocess, 285.1ms inference, 2.2ms postprocess per image at shape (1, 3, 640, 640)

4. 使用基準測試工具進行比較

4.1 使用基準測試工具測試

Benchmark Tool 是 OpenVINO 提供的一組工具程式,方便連續測試用,可指定不同推論裝置、連續工作時間(預設60秒,可加 -t 指定秒數),再去計算每秒可執行次數及每次推論所需最小、最大及平均時間,方便進行性能比較。這和單張略微不同,可省去許多共同時間,如模型載入、編譯等。
若在本機端執行時可將裝置設為 GPU 進行比較。

%%skip not $to_quantize.value device

4.2 使用 FP32 模型推論

if int8_model_pose_path.exists(): # Inference FP32 model (OpenVINO IR) !benchmark_app -m $pose_model_path -d $device.value -api async -shape "[1,3,640,640]" -t 15


[ INFO ] First inference took 179.61 ms
[Step 11/11] Dumping statistics report
[ INFO ] Execution Devices:['CPU']
[ INFO ] Count: 106 iterations
[ INFO ] Duration: 15499.93 ms
[ INFO ] Latency:
[ INFO ] Median: 257.80 ms
[ INFO ] Average: 292.03 ms
[ INFO ] Min: 231.82 ms
[ INFO ] Max: 484.45 ms
[ INFO ] Throughput: 6.84 FPS

4.3 使用 INT8 模型推論

if int8_model_pose_path.exists(): # Inference INT8 model (OpenVINO IR) !benchmark_app -m $int8_model_pose_path -d $device.value -api async -shape "[1,3,640,640]" -t 15


[ INFO ] First inference took 125.02 ms
[Step 11/11] Dumping statistics report
[ INFO ] Execution Devices:['CPU']
[ INFO ] Count: 150 iterations
[ INFO ] Duration: 15198.45 ms
[ INFO ] Latency:
[ INFO ] Median: 170.15 ms
[ INFO ] Average: 202.29 ms
[ INFO ] Min: 145.57 ms
[ INFO ] Max: 588.30 ms
[ INFO ] Throughput: 9.87 FPS


5. 連續影片推論展示

5.1 建立推論函式

run_keypoint_detection 這個函式包括模型載入、影像載入、推論及繪製結果。

import collections import time from IPython import display import cv2 import numpy as np def run_keypoint_detection( source=0, flip=False, use_popup=False, skip_first_frames=0, model=pose_model, device=device.value, ): player = None ov_config = {} if device != "CPU": model.reshape({0: [1, 3, 640, 640]}) if "GPU" in device or ("AUTO" in device and "GPU" in core.available_devices): ov_config = {"GPU_DISABLE_WINOGRAD_CONVOLUTION": "YES"} compiled_model = core.compile_model(model, device, ov_config) if pose_model.predictor is None: custom = {"conf": 0.25, "batch": 1, "save": False, "mode": "predict"} # method defaults args = {**seg_model.overrides, **custom} pose_model.predictor = pose_model._smart_load("predictor")(overrides=args, _callbacks=pose_model.callbacks) pose_model.predictor.setup_model(model=pose_model.model) pose_model.predictor.model.ov_compiled_model = compiled_model try: # Create a video player to play with target fps. player = VideoPlayer(source=source, flip=flip, fps=30, skip_first_frames=skip_first_frames) # Start capturing. player.start() if use_popup: title = "Press ESC to Exit" cv2.namedWindow(winname=title, flags=cv2.WINDOW_GUI_NORMAL | cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) processing_times = collections.deque() while True: # Grab the frame. frame = player.next() if frame is None: print("Source ended") break # If the frame is larger than full HD, reduce size to improve the performance. scale = 1280 / max(frame.shape) if scale < 1: frame = cv2.resize( src=frame, dsize=None, fx=scale, fy=scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA, ) # Get the results input_image = np.array(frame) start_time = time.time() detections = pose_model(input_image) stop_time = time.time() frame = detections[0].plot() processing_times.append(stop_time - start_time) # Use processing times from last 200 frames. if len(processing_times) > 200: processing_times.popleft() _, f_width = frame.shape[:2] # Mean processing time [ms]. processing_time = np.mean(processing_times) * 1000 fps = 1000 / processing_time cv2.putText( img=frame, text=f"Inference time: {processing_time:.1f}ms ({fps:.1f} FPS)", org=(20, 40), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, fontScale=f_width / 1000, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA, ) # Use this workaround if there is flickering. if use_popup: cv2.imshow(winname=title, mat=frame) key = cv2.waitKey(1) # escape = 27 if key == 27: break else: # Encode numpy array to jpg. _, encoded_img = cv2.imencode(ext=".jpg", img=frame, params=[cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 100]) # Create an IPython image. i = display.Image(data=encoded_img) # Display the image in this notebook. display.clear_output(wait=True) display.display(i) # ctrl-c except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Interrupted") # any different error except RuntimeError as e: print(e) finally: if player is not None: # Stop capturing. player.stop() if use_popup: cv2.destroyAllWindows()

5.2 取得影片進行姿態估測

呼叫 run_keypoint_detection 進行推論,可依需要改變影片來源、推論裝置及模型。

  • 若在本地端運行時,將 Source 改成 0 ,就可直接支援本機(桌機或筆電)上的第1部網路攝影機。若有多部則修改為 1 到 N 。
  • 若在 Colab 上遇到畫面閃爍問題時,可將 use_popup 設為 True 來改善。
  • 若想多次測試不同影片、裝置(CPU / GPU / AUTO)或模型(pose_ov_model / quantized_pose_model),可直接修改參數,單獨運行本格程式即可,不用全部程式重新運行。
VIDEO_SOURCE = "https://storage.openvinotoolkit.org/repositories/openvino_notebooks/data/data/video/people.mp4" device run_keypoint_detection( source=VIDEO_SOURCE, flip=True, use_popup=False, model=pose_ov_model, # pose_ov_model, quantized_pose_model device=device.value, )



相信大家看到這麼長的程式可能會想打退堂鼓,但仔細看完本文介紹後,會發覺其實只有選擇模型(原始或量化)、決定推論裝置、給定待測影像或影片就結束了,程式幾乎都不太需要改就能用,算是很容易上手。原始 YOLOv11 姿態估測模型經 OpenVINO 或 NNCF處理過後其推論速度都比原始模型快上許多,有助於邊緣裝置應用。從輸出結果(物件外框、骨架關節等)來看,並沒有因為模型變小就變得不可靠,即使人物很小也能正確判定,所以還是很值得拿來應用。另外使用 OpenVINO 還有一個好處,就是未來硬體升級也不用大改程式,只需要重新指定推論裝置即可,意思就是未來有更好的 CPU 、 GPU 或 NPU 時,程式效能自然提升,也不用擔心程式要重新開發,有興趣的朋友還不趕快動手來試試。


[1] Ultralytics, YOLOv11

[2] Github Ultralytics / Ultralytics (YOLOv11)

[3] Ultralytics, YOLO Vision 2024

[4] Intel, OpenVINO™ Notebooks at GitHub Pages

[5] Intel, OpenVINO Document - Learn OpenVINO - Interactive Tutorials(Python) - Convert and Optimize YOLOv11 keypoint detection model with OpenVINO

[6] Intel, Github OpenVINO Notebooks - yolov11-keypoint-detection


[A] Intel OpenVINO Document - Convert and Optimize YOLOv11 real-time object detection with OpenVINO™

[B] Intel OpenVINO Document - Convert and Optimize YOLOv11 instance segmentation model with OpenVINO™

本文同步發表在【台灣自造者 vMaker】

