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tinyML基金會贊助商(點撃圖放大) |
微型機器學習(tinyML)被廣泛定義為一個快速發展的機器學習技術和應用領域,包括硬件、算法和應用軟體,能夠以極低的功耗執行設備上的傳感器數據分析,通常在 mW 範圍及以下,從而實現各種常時在線(Always On)的用例和針對電池供電的設備。
支援開發環境 [A] Arduino IDE 2.0, [C] C/C++, [D] cAInvas - DeepSea, [E] Edge Impulse, [P] MicroPython
Arm Cortex-M系列
- Arducam Pico4ML (Cortex-M0+)
- Arduino Portenta H7 + Vision Shield (Cortex-M7)
- Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense (Cortex-M4) [A][C][D][E][P]
- ETA ECM3532 (Cortex-M3)
- Nordic nRF52840 DK (Cortex-M4)
- OpenMV Cam H7 (Cortex-M7)
- Raspberry Pi Pico (Cortex-M0+)
- Seeeduino XIAO (Cortex-M0+)
- Silicon Labs Thunderboard Sense 2 (Cortex-M4)
- Himax(奇景光電) WE-I Plus (ARC EM9D)
- Luxonis LUX-ESP32 (OAK-D-IoT-40) ( ESP32+VPU MA2485)
- AI-Tech Systems, DeepSea & cAInvas
- Arm Common Microcontroller Software Interface Standard
- Edge Impulse, Docs
- Fraunhofer IMS – AIfES for Arduino
- Google TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers (TFLM)
- Raspberry Pi Pico for TensorFlow Lite Micro
- Arm tinyML
- Coding Scientist
- Edge Impulse
- Hardward.ai, Dmitry Maslov, Wio Terminal tinyML Course
- Wio Terminal TinyML Course #1 Intro - Machine Learning on Microcontrollers with Arduino IDE
- Wio Terminal TinyML Course #2 Audio Scene Recognition - ML on Microcontrollers with Arduino IDE
- Wio Terminal TinyML Course #3 People Counting and Azure IoT Central Integration
- Wio Terminal TinyML Course #4 Weather prediction with Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers+LVGL GUI
- Wio Terminal TinyML Course #5 Anomaly detection for Predictive maintenance with Blynk IoT Platform
- tinyML Foundation
- UNIFEI - Machine Learning for Embedding Devices (TinyML) - IESTI01 T1
- Pete Warden (tinyML原作者Youtube頻道)
- Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
- Experiments with Google - TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers
- Harvard, CS249r: Tiny Machine Learning - Applied Machine Learning for Embedded IoT Devices
- UNIFEI - Machine Learning for Embedding Devices (TinyML) - IESTI01 T1
- Arm, Partners Delivering TinyML
- Arm, TinyML Brings AI to Smallest Arm Devices
- Harsh Chaudhary, Comparison of AI vision boards with onboard camera: WE-I Plus EVB vs OpenMV Cam H7 vs Pico4ML
- Jonathan Tan, Everything About TinyML – Basics, Courses, Projects & More!
- Dmitry Maslov (Hackster.io)
- TinyML Course #1 Gesture recognition with Light sensor
- TinyML Course #2 Audio Scene Recognition+Blynk APP
- TinyML Course #3 People Counting and Azure IoT Integration
- TinyML Course #4 IoT Weather Prediction (TensorFlow Micro)
- TinyML Course #5 Anomaly Detection for Predictive Maintenance
- TensorFlow Blog End-to-end tinyML audio classification with the Raspberry Pi RP2040
- 許哲豪,【課程簡報】20210814 Arm DevTalks 2021_Edge AI的最後一哩路:Embedded ML
- 陸向陽,MCU也能機器學習!TinyML新技術生態成形
- 康智維,【AI@IoT】MCU也能實現產線機器學習 – 以射出成型機為例
- 江建勳,Edge Impulse examples(中文)
- 董奕麟,McuML專案概要
- Alan Wang,「暢所欲言的 TinyML」:使用 EloquentTinyML 超輕鬆佈署 Tensorflow Lite 神經網路模型到微控制器上(如 ESP32 及 Arduino Nano 33 BLE)
- Alan Wang,圖形化 TinyML:使用 Edge Impulse 網站訓練嵌入式 AI 模型,免寫半行程式在 Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense 開發板實現語音辨識
- Sally Ward-Foxton,表TinyML測試基準
- 光锥之外,太牛逼了,应用TinyML(嵌入式机器学习库)10分钟就可以在Arduino开发板上实现咳嗽检测
- dicksonjyl560101, 边缘AI新方法TinyML,超低功耗,在边缘设备进行机器学习
- Naveen Suda, Danny Loh, Arm Cortex-M 微控制器的機器學習
- CAVEDU, 【tinyML專題】 使用 EdgeImpulse 讓您的 Arduino 可以辨識手勢!
- Github uTensor / uTensor